Yung Lab
Laboratory of Cell Based Therapy and Neuroscience
Principal Investigator: Yun Yung
Julia Ottewell, B.A.
I joined the Yung Lab as a CIRM intern and am now a research assistant. My research on the beta cell project is aimed at understanding the therapeutic potential of IPSC-derived beta cells in treating type 1 diabetes using genetic and disease-induced mouse models.
Jonathan W. Lockner, Ph.D.
I am an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Scintillon, with deep expertise in natural products synthesis. I am interested in identifying medicinally useful compounds that address neuroinflammation and ameliorate cancer growth. Previously, I received my PhD and trained as a postdoc with Profs Phil Baran and Kim Janda at Scripps Research, respectively. More recently, I was Adjunct Faculty at University of San Diego, Miramar College, Point Loma Nazarene University, and Palomar College.
Ananya Bharathwaj
Ever since sixth grade when I joined various biology events in Science Olympiad, I've found the intricacies within biology to be fascinating. As I continued learning over the years, I wanted to find a means to apply this knowledge. This started out as coaching the middle schoolers who were participating in the Disease Detectives Science Olympiad event, but eventually developed into conducting scientific research. At the team level, I've enjoyed leading and working with my iGEM wet lab team. This past year, we tested the effects of a deflourinating enzyme to degrade PFAS (a forever chemical) in the lab, for the international iGEM competition. Additionally, I've learned a lot alongside the Yung Lab Interns this past summer, while helping with the diabetes research project. Currently, I am independently researching the effects of a fibroblast treatment to treat sepsis. Sepsis is a condition that I've found intriguing from a young age, and I am excited to continue my sepsis research as part of the Yung Lab!
Hollis Halpern
I began working at the Scintillon Institute during the SURE Internship program last summer and found that I love the lab and all of the people here. My scientific interests include cognitive science and neurobiology, though I love most fields of science. I am fascinated by how the brain interacts with and controls the body, especially through subconscious cognition. I have been fortunate to participate in Dr. Yung’s research on curing diabetes using iPSC-derived beta cells. I also love sharing science with others and am a writer and Editing Director for Catalyst science magazine. When I’m not at the lab I am usually swimming competitively, volunteering, reading, or making art.
Katie Hua
From a young age, I have nurtured a strong interest in biology and medicine. From my classes and extracurriculars, I have developed a passion for experimental biology research and working to improve life for others. I am particularly fascinated by the field of neuroscience and with brain circuits because of its complexity and fine control over the body. Members of my family suffer from diseases such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes with direct or indirect neurological problems, furthering my passion to help people improve their health. My project in the Yung Lab builds upon continue previous groundbreaking studies on hydrocephalus. I am investigating the role of proximal lipids to LPA that can also cause hydrocephalus, as well as determining methods to therapeutically treat fetal- and neonatal-onset forms caused by intracranial bleeding. Outside of the lab, I enjoy playing beach volleyball and learning white hat cybersecurity.
Matthew Huang
I am currently a sophomore at Palomar College majoring in Bioengineering During my previous experience in biotech, I helped to characterize disease-based exosomes from Alzheimer’s disease at National Taiwan University. Currently, I am excited to work with Drs. Lockner and Yung in his lab to synthesize and characterize small molecules from various fungal and mushroom sources, which have tremendous therapeutic potential as anti-inflammatory agents. My near-term plan is to transfer and continue my college and advanced studies at UC San Diego for bioengineering. My dream is to attend medical school in the future and study emergency medicine. In my free time, I enjoy playing guitar, videography, and cooking.
Maya Krishnan
My scientific and academic interests stem from my personal desire to uncover the deepest mysteries of existence, by striving to develop thorough intellectual independence and recognition of the finest details. The primary focus of my academic pursuits remains to enhance my knowledge and research aptitude in the area of molecular biology, the foundation of biomedical research aspiring to improve treatments and quality of life. Thus, STEM subjects form the core of my course selection and extracurricular activities, ranging from classroom participation to biomedical research and interpersonal interactions as a volunteer. The past few years in the COVID-19 pandemic further strengthened my resolve to understand the molecular basis for disease, facilitated by internship opportunities and in-school awareness. I lead several clubs geared towards exposing my peers and myself to branches of Science and future STEM career paths, fostering a collaborative environment aimed towards fresh scientific discourse and curiosities.
For the past 2 years, I have been working on an exciting project in the Yung Lab using skin-derived fibroblasts aimed at decreasing neuroinflammation and related altered behavior in an LPS-induced mouse model. I hope to acquire profound knowledge and technique, learning how to persist through difficulties and effectively utilize the successes of awaiting discoveries.
Sam Beltran
I joined Dr. Yung’s lab through the 2022 Scintillon SURE program, which gave me tremendous valuable lab experience and knowledge, which also helped me to improve in school. In 2023, I took a leave of absence from the Yung lab to join the 2023 CIRM SPARK summer program at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, which further allowed me to refine my skills in biotech and be able to present my own science poster with my own findings. During the school year, I joined the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, which was both fun but challenging, as well as additional extracurricular clubs such as the Biodiesel and Algal Studies group(BASG), Academic Decathlon, Academic League, Leadership program, studying languages such as Latin and Anglo Saxon, and improving my fitness through Tang Soo Do. Currently in the Yung lab, I am examining the role of fibroblasts in increasing healthspan and decreasing frailty in aged mice.
Laboratory Alumni
Eshika Pallapotu (2023-2024) - former SURE and lab intern, currently junior attending Del Norte high school
Elise Smith, B.A. (2023) - intern
Mia Caron (2023) - summer intern, currently senior attending Del Norte High School
Crystal Xu (2022) - former SURE summer intern, currently attending UC Berkeley
Jerry Wu (2022) - former SURE summer intern, currently attending college at Emory University
Samuel Beltran (2022) - SURE summer intern
Jessica Moser, B.S. (2021) - summer intern, currently attending college at U. Florida, currently attending graduate school at Wayne State University starting fall 2023.
Leon Wang (2021) - SURE summer intern, currently attending college at Dartmouth College
Shahan Molla, PhD (2019-2021) - Postdoctoral project scientist, currently Scientist III at Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jonathan Lockner, PhD (2019-2021) - Visiting chemist and professor, currently at Palomar College
Andrew Chiang (2020) - SURE summer intern, currently attending college at CalTech
Kaitlyn Cao (2019, 2020) - SURE summer intern, currently attending college at the UC Irvine
Haylie Murray (2019, 2020) - SURE summer intern, currently attending college at University of Southern California