Cytometry Development Workshop 2024

October 23 - 28, 2024
San Diego CA

Organized by:


1. Cells, Sensors, and Systems Symposium

2. Cytometry Development Tutorials

3. Cytometry Development Workshop

1. Cells, Sensors, and Systems Symposium

Wednesday October 23, 2024

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Bldg 12 Auditorium

Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
Get Directions

Frontiers in Spatial, Spectral, and Molecular Resolution

Agenda: Keynote Speakers

Joe Gray (Knight Cancer Center, OHSU)

Daniel Chiu (University of Washington)

Jonathan Irish (University of Colorado)

Morning Session


Afternoon Session

Plus exhibits, lunch, networking and technical presentations from our Sponsors:

Capacity: 100 people

Attendance is free, but limited and registration is requested

CDW Syposium Agenda

2. Cytometry Development Tutorials

Thursday, October 24, 2024

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Bldg 12 Auditorium

Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
Get Directions

Frontiers in Spatial, Spectral, and Molecular Resolution

Session Topics:

  • Single cell image cytometry

  • Flow-based imaging and sorting

  • High sensitivity and single molecule measurement

  • Single cell spectroscopy

Capacity: 80 people

Attendance is free, but limited and registration is requested

CDW Tutorials Agenda

3. Cytometry Development Workshop

October 24 • 6pm - October 28 • 12pm

At La Jolla Shores Hotel Get Directions

Tools and Applications for Single Cell, Particle, and Molecule Analysis

Session Topics:

  • Light sources

  • Detectors and light sources

  • Macro-, micro-, and nano-fluidics

  • Calibration and standardization

  • Software and algorithms

  • Computation and data analysis

  • New cytometry applications

  • Image and flow cytometry hardware

  • Cell sorting

  • New probes and assays

  • Single cell spectroscopy

Attendance is limited, and registration and abstract submission is required.

Abstract instructions

Abstracts are invited describing recent work at the frontiers of cytometry technology development and application.

Past Workshops have included presentations on hardware (lasers, detectors, electronics, optics, fluidics, etc), software (algorithms, data standards, databases, automation, etc) and wetware (dyes, reagents, calibrators, standards, etc).

The Workshop program consists of short (8 minute) data-focused presentations. Longer (15 minutes) state-of-the-art tutorial presentations will also be considered.

Abstracts (<250 words) should have a brief, descriptive title, and succinctly state the problem addressed, approach taken, and results with any preliminary conclusions. Send via email with Subject line: “ABSTRACT” to

Abstract deadline: September 15, 2024. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by September 22, 2024.

The Workshop fee is $700/person, which covers breakfast, coffee breaks, dinner, and evening networking receptions.



A room block is available at La Jolla Shores Hotel

Rates: Tues-Wed (10/22-23) - $269; Thur-Sat (10/24-26)- $309

Please contact the hotel directly and mention the Cytometry Workshop.



Our sponsors provide key financial and scientific support to CDW. More information on opportunities below.

For questions and more info, email


CDW Sponsorship

CDW is made possible by the financial and scientific support of our Sponsors. All sponsor logos will be featured on electronic and printed materials, with additional opportunities for exhibition, presentations, and participation associated with sponsorship levels.

Platinum - $10,000

Includes first choice of exhibit space and an optional vendor presentation at the Symposium (Wed, Oct 23), possible participation in the CDW Tutorials (Thurs, Oct 24), and two registrations for the Workshop (Thurs-Sat, Oct 24-27).

Gold - $5,000

Includes exhibit space and an optional vendor presentation at the Symposium (Wed, Oct 23), possible participation in the CDW Tutorials (Thurs, Oct 24), and one registration for the Workshop (Thurs-Sat, Oct 24-27).

Silver - $3,000

Includes exhibit space at the Symposium (Wed, Oct 23), possible participation in the CDW Tutorials (Thurs, Oct 24), and one registration for the Workshop (Thurs-Sat, Oct 24).

Bronze - $1500

Includes one registration for the Workshop (Thurs-Sat, Oct 24-27).

To reserve your place or more information:


Register CDW

Sponsors of CDW 2024