Nolan Lab

Laboratory of quantitative measurement tools
Principal Investigator: John P. Nolan, PhD




Custom Instruments


Raman Flow Cytometer – Custom spectral flow cytometers with green, red, or near-IR lasers for the high speed, high resolution analysis of Raman spectra from individual particles.


Fluorescence Spectral Flow Cytometer – Custom flow cytometer with violet or blue excitation for the high speed analysis of fluorescence spectra from individual particles


Nanoparticle Flow Cytometer – Custom high sensitivity flow cytometer with blue excitation that can measure 3 colors of fluorescence from very dim nanoparticles.

SERS Image Cytometer – Custom automated imaging system for multiparameter measurement of adherent cells and slide- or microplate-based samples stained with nanoparticle SERS tags.


Commercial Instruments


CytoFlex Flow Cytometer - Commercial benchtop flow cytometer with violet, blue and red lasers that can measure >10 colors of fluorescence and two angles of light scatter.